Thursday, June 13, 2013

Nature's Limitations

I love God's creation--in case you couldn't tell. I could easily spend all day outside on the Acres: walking (alone or with the bandits), working, mowing, taking photographs, chatting with my neighbors over the back fence, sitting in the green throne or the bench by the pond (you don't need to bring your own bench when you drop by; there's room for two). Nature clearly reveals God's presence and His creative power. It is "natural" to reflect on Him when I am enjoying His creation in all its splendor.
But nature has its limitations. No one will ever find redemption there. Creation does make any excuses a man can make for denying God's existence and for refusing to seek Him inexcusable. Creation does make every man accountable before God. But redemption is found in His Word. It is the Bible that makes men "wise unto salvation." The Word is the convicting sword of the Spirit that cuts away the pretense and shows a man as God sees Him--as someone desperately in need of God's grace and mercy.
No matter how much time a man spends in nature meditating on God, it is insufficient to bring Him to redemption. Salvation through grace by faith is found in encounters with His Word--the thoughts of God. "The unfolding of Thy words give light; it gives understanding to the simple."

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