Friday, June 7, 2013

The Effective Christian Teacher

The Effective Christian Teacher

1. Saturates himself with the Word of God--is filled with the Spirit.
2. Fears the Lord--never makes a decision without asking himself, "How will this decision affect my relationship with God?"
3. Understands that long after his students have forgotten what he taught them, they will remember how he treated them--every day and on those days they had a a special need.  No student in tears ever walks past him.
4.  Never gives an assignment without knowing why that assignment is important.
5.  Trains his students to think critically.  Develops scholars not memorizers.  He will have succeeded when his students no longer need him.
6.  Knows his subject matter.  Is never satisfied with how much he knows.
7.  Communicates with his students in as many different ways as possible.
8.  Loves his students in as many ways as possible--a word of encouragement, an appropriate touch, a note, an act of loving discipline.
9.  Loves his students where they are spiritually, not where he would like them to be.  Doesn't cause them to stumble as they grow at the rate God wants them to mature.
10. Never uses assignments as punishment.
11. Is disappointed at times with his students and tells them so.  Is never angry with them.  Always acts in gentleness, never raises his voice.
12. Understands that tests and quizzes are an opportunity to teach one more time what it is important for his students to know.  Sees them as perhaps his most effective teaching tool, not a grading tool even though he must put a grade on them.
13. Always available to his students if they need help or even just think they need help.
14. Pushes his students academically.
15. Understands that God gives brains, diligence is the evidence of faithfulness.  Gives assignments that reward diligence.  Allows the diligent student to succeed.  Makes the "intelligent"--and the diligent--student go beyond the normal to get the A.
16. Never gets tired of answering questions--no matter how many times he has just answered the same question.
17. Models Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Compassion, patience, grace, and truth define him.
18. His bad days do not become his students' bad days.
19. Is vulnerable.  May be taken advantage of.  Never responds in self-defense.  His life is his defense.
20. Is flexible. Things happen in his students' lives that are much more important than what's happening in his classroom--his agenda for the day, his assignments.  Adjusts.  His students seeing that he considers them worthy of trust become trustworthy.
21. Treats his students as adults.  They'll like the "taste" and respond--as adults.
22. Accepts that it is his responsibility to make his students pass.  And that his responsibility stops with their choice to do or not do the work.  Loves them unconditionally regardless of their grade in his class.
23. Is willing to laugh at himself--to admit his mistakes and to ask for forgiveness.
24. Is consistent.  Treats every student fairly, understanding that fairness is not treating each student the same but treating each student based on each student's needs--even if that appears to be inconsistent.
25. Never lets the system of education interfere with a teachable moment.
26. Knows that the purpose of Christian education is not to prepare students for college, but to teach and live a life that will encourage them to do whatever they do to the glory of God--to make the invisible God visible.

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