Friday, June 7, 2013


"The fruit of the Spirit is . . . gentleness . . ."

Gentleness is never afraid to stoop down and lift up.
Gentleness is a soft touch.
Gentleness leaves a fragrance of love wherever it goes.
Gentleness is always seeking the one gone astray.
Gentleness hugs.
Gentleness is a shoulder to cry on--or two if necessary.
Gentleness is never harsh; never utters a cruel word.
Gentleness believes the best about everyone.
Gentleness confronts with love and a broken heart.
Gentleness gives others the freedom to fail but is always there to pick up the pieces--lovingly.
Gentleness remembers when it was the wandering sheep.
Gentleness is not afraid to carry someone as far as they need to be carried--and even an extra mile is fine.
Gentleness does not let its own pain get in the way of bearing the pains and burdens of others.
Gentleness treasures tears, even its own.
Gentleness has the accepting heart of a child.
Gentleness has a ready laugh, even at itself.
Gentleness doesn't have to be asked if it can help; it begs to do so.
Gentleness exudes strength.

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