Thursday, June 13, 2013


The righteous want God's blessing for it is His blessing that brings fulfillment and fruitfulness. But how do I get God's blessing? It's really very simple. I must have a right relationship with His Word. His Word helps me to defeat temptation, gives me insight into God's wonderful goodness toward me, and reveals to me the things in my life that the Spirit wants to "spruce up." James says it's like looking in the mirror. When I get up in the morning and see myself in the mirror, there's a lot of work that needs to be done. (And no one in his or her right mind would wait until the end of the day to check up and see how they had looked all that day in front of the world.) If I care at all about what people think of my appearance, I fix what needs fixing right then. In fact, I even make it a point to check up now and then during the day to see how things are going. Even the least vain of us do that, don't we? Now, if someone said that their appearance was important to them, but when they looked in the mirror in the morning they just walked away and changed nothing, we would doubt their sincerity in the area of being presentable. And their attitude toward the mirror would be obvious to all. They consider the mirror useless, without a purpose in their life.
The same is true spiritually. When I look in the mirror of God's Word and the Spirit shows me those things that need "fixing up," I need to do the fixing right then. And the Word is better than any mirror because it also tells me how to go about doing the fixing. And I have the power of the Holy Spirit to aide in the "repairs." To respond in the right way and ask God's help in the rearranging of my spiritual appearance before Him is to make myself a sure fire candidate for God's blessing. God doesn't bless me because I'm perfect or I would never get His blessing. He blesses me because I am willing to allow Him to use His Word to change me, to mature me into the likeness of His Son--a compassionate helper of those in need and a hater of that which is evil. Only the spiritually complacent and apathetic look in the "mirror" and walk away without caring to change their spiritual condition.
So, do I want God's blessing? Then, I must act. I must look in the mirror often and ask God to enable me to make the necessary adjustments. And I dare not just look and walk away unchanged. As James puts it, I must be "a doer of the Word and not a hearer only."

Allow God to be a blessing to you that He might make you a blessing to others.

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