Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Simple Profound Truth

I was reminded today of a simple but profound truth. (The longer I live the more convinced I am that those two are synonymous.) But do you remember that little chorus we use to sing as the youngest of tykes? (and all "tykes" sing loudly--where did we go wrong and become so self-conscious) Anyway, the chorus went this way--join in any time:

"Read your Bible, pray every day, pray every day, pray every day. Read your Bible, pray every day, and you'll grow, grow, grow. And you'll grow, grow, grow. And you'll grow, grow, grow. Read your Bible pray every day, and you'll grow, grow, grow."

That is just as true and necessary for me today as His child of 66 as it was when I was 5. Probably more necessary. Read. Pray. Every day. Grow.

Simple. Profound.

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