know, of course, that God is in the letter writing business too. He has
given us His written Letter, the Bible, to instruct us in "the way that
we should go." In addition, because He loved us, He sent His Son, the
Living Word, to redeem us and to give us the example to follow as we
live our lives. Moreover, Paul tells us that we ourselves are God's
living letters, "known and read of all men . . . written . . . with the Spirit of the Living God."
That's a tremendous responsibility! The world's opinion of what God is
like is based on what they "read" in me. In the eyes of the world--and
they are avid readers--God is only as holy as I am. He is as loving
and compassionate as I am; as truthful and honest as I am.
told His disciples that His followers are the salt of the earth, the
preservation agent in the world system. In other words, the natural
tendency of the world is toward rottenness. The only thing that keeps
mankind from getting worse and worse is the quality of the salt--or as
Paul puts it, the "readability" of God's living letters.
How well
are you and I doing in today's world? Well, just look around you at our
society's value system and moral character. But don't just look at the
world in general or at our nation--or even at the community in which
you live. No, look closely at the people to whom God "mailed" you.
Look at your home, your school, your church, your circle of friends.
They reflect the kind of impact your "letter" is having on your world.
I never sought forgiveness or even thought I needed it, though I was
unworthy of forgiveness, though I could never earn forgiveness, God
provided it freely through the death of His Son. Though my list of sins
was unending, God provided forgiveness for them all, every one of them,
through the death of His Son. The bedrock of the Christian faith is
that Jesus paid it all, freely, fully, and eternally because He is love.
When I accept that free gift of grace, I become a child of God for