Wednesday, May 22, 2013


     God is in the rainbow business because He knows all about storms.  One of the reasons He became a man was that He might learn through experience the high cost of the storms we face by faith alone.  And if we have the eyes of faith to look for them, He provides a rainbow after each storm--a reminder of His presence and His faithfulness to us.  The rainbow may be found in a pastor's sermon, a friend's card, a hymn sung, a check in the mail, a bag of groceries on the front porch, or even a stilled storm.  But always He reminds us of the His promise that He is with us always.  We need to be rainbow watchers, attentive to His loving reminders of His care.  Take your eyes off the storm clouds as they fade into the distance.  Take your eyes of the horizon in fear of the next storm.  Take your eyes off the damage that the storm has left behind.  Look for the light of the Savior's love at the end of the storm.  See the rainbow.  Celebrate the inescapable promise of God.

     Nothing in life, not even death can separate you from His love.  No amount of time or space can separate you from God's love.  No power natural or supernatural can separate you from God's love.  When you are flat on your face in human failure, you are an overwhelming victor through the love of Jesus Christ your Savior.

     Every storm has a rainbow.

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