Some of the most dynamic men in Scripture were known for their tears. Let me give you two examples.
Joseph wept when his brothers betrayed him. He knew that they did not
live lives that pleased God and their wickedness broke his heart.
Joseph wept when he heard the guilt his brothers had been living under,
the constant fear of God's judgment that had dominated their lives since
they had sold him into slavery.
Joseph wept when he got the opportunity to embrace his father and tell him how much he loved him.
Jesus wept when his brothers failed to understand and accept his forgiveness.
Jesus wept when his brothers failed to recognize the hand of God in turning evil into good.
Paul wept when he told his friends things that were profitable to them but perhaps not easy for them to hear.
Paul wept when he opened up God's Word and exhorted the churches.
Paul wept when he had to say goodbye to his friends for one last time
even though he knew he could trust them to God. He would still miss
Paul wept when he thought of the false teachers who would
attack the flock from within and without seeking to destroy and mislead.
Paul wept when he thought of those "enemies of the cross" who would try
to add works as a necessity to salvation and diminish the grace of
Tears. Do you know of two stronger men than Joseph
and Paul? Do you know of two men more faithful to God despite the
circumstances? They were men with broken hearts.
What do you
weep over? Is your heart soft enough to weep? Do you weep with those
who weep? Tears are a sign of strength. Nothing is more powerful than a
tender heart toward others. If you do not contend for the faith with a
broken heart, your ministry will produce other hearts just as cold and
arrogant as yours.
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