Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Patience of God

Have you ever really stopped to meditate on the patience of God? How many times for instance did He teach His disciples the same truths over and over again? And didn't He wait 120 years after He told Noah to build the ark before bringing The Flood? Think of it. The first time He judged the world, He waited until He had only one faithful family left on earth. And how many hundreds of years did He patiently try to bring His people Israel back to His love before He finally judged them? Even as the children of Israel wandered through the wilderness complaining all the way, He met every one of their physical needs and preserved their children for entrance into The Promised Land. And He has been waiting for 2000 years for man to repent after He sent them His Son to die for their sins. And how patient has He been with you and me and our stubborn streaks of rebellion? Or apathy? His patience is amazing, is it not?
Now, how about yours? And mine!? How patient are you with those who lack understanding and maturity? How patient are you in witnessing to those family members and friends who have over and over again shrugged off the gospel message? How patient are you with those who irritate you so much because they remind you of so much of yourself? It is patience that leads to repentance and changed lives. God says so. God demonstrates His confidence in patience every day that He waits to judge the world. And everyday that He waits to discipline His rebellious children. Do you really want those with whom you interact and those to whom you minister to become changed by the power of God through repentance? Then, you must imitate your Savior and your heavenly Father and lavish them with the patience of God. Nothing is more necessary or spiritually powerful.

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