Nothing is
more uplifting to God and men than a singing heart. Or a joyful noise
heart for that matter. The power behind a song of praise to God is
threefold. It brings great joy to the heart of God Himself. Such a
sacrifice with our lips is a sweet savor to Him. Since the first song
of creation, when His angels looked at His work and burst forth in
singing until today, God has been a lover of music, a lover of hymns of
wonder and praise at His unending goodness to man. Wouldn't you love to
have a CD of our Savior and His disciples singing on the way to
Gethsemane? A song also uplifts the heart of the one singing. When
you read the psalms and the prophets, you can feel their spirits lifting
as they pen songs of praise to God, songs revealing their confidence in
His wisdom and love--no matter what. As Habakkuk says in his song "for
the choir director on my stringed instruments," he feels as if he is
running like a deer, walking on the mountain tops, on high. How many
times has a song lifted your spirits, even during--especially
during--times of great sadness. I couldn't count them all. The third
thing a song does is reach the hearts of those around you. If a song on
your lips lifts your heart, think what is happening as those around you
sing to Him as well. It becomes a symphony of joy. The message of the
song reaches into the hearts of others to encourage and uplift their
hearts as well. A song in the heart is a wonderful thing, a powerful
thing. When in doubt, sing. Touch the heart of God, touch your own
heart, and touch the hearts of those around you.
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