Sunday, May 26, 2013


God uses lots of different concepts to define wisdom. In Proverbs He says that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Someone who fears the Lord evaluates each decision on the basis of how it will affect his relationship with God. The preeminence of Christ in every aspect of his life is his only priority.
Solomon's wisdom as described in I Kings has several characteristics. He was said to have discernment--to know the difference between right and wrong. In addition, he could discern not just a good solution or a better solution, but the best solution. He also had insight into human nature and its motivations as demonstrated with the case of the two mothers and the one living child. I Kings also tells us that Solomon's wisdom related to the arts as well. Like the makers of the articles for the tabernacle back in Exodus, Solomon was skilled in the creating of beautiful things. He was also a gifted writer and musician. We are also told that he had skills as an administrator of the kingdom. And finally, we are told that he was a great student of God's creation, an avid scholar of nature.
The point is that God's wisdom touches every area of our being. It is not just mental acuity, but creativity and organization and curiosity. When God gives a man or woman wisdom, he or she is aware of God in everything that they do. All wisdom and knowledge is found in Him. Thus the one who eliminates God from his pursuit of wisdom finds only information not insight. As Paul told Timothy they are "always learning, but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth." And he says in Romans that their thinking is "futile." Thinking themselves to be wise they become fools.
And there is another aspect of godly wisdom that is essential. God's wisdom is shared. We do not possess true wisdom until we take what God has taught us and pass it on. We are all called to be teachers--or makers of disciples--is that scares you less. Whatever area or areas of wisdom God has given us, He has given it to us to share with others. The wise child of God is not the one who knows it all in some particular area or areas, but the one who shares with others all that he knows from what God has taught him. And to not do so is to withhold from those around you the fullness of the wisdom found in Christ. Has he given you wisdom in the area of discernment? Pass it on. In the area of the arts? Pass it on. In adminstration? Pass it on. In music? Writing? Horticulture? Literature? Technology? Pass it on.
We need a body of believers in the world today that is eager to be wise, those that when they come before God to ask for what they want, plead with Him to give them wisdom because that's what they know they need. And then they take what He teaches them and hasten to teach others. God's next generation will only be as wise as this generation enables them to be.

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