Sunday, May 26, 2013


A thought was put into my head today about criteria. The question was: What does Christ value? Who is it that God tells us we should take note of and strive to imitate because they are doers of the things God loves? Three people came immediately to mind: a child, Mary of Bethany, and the widow giving her offering. All three were commended by our Savior when He walked among men. What are their characteristics? The faith of the little child, the devotion of Mary, and the sacrifice of the widow all received our Savior's applause. He made a point of praising them in the presence of His disciples.
The application? If we want to be one of those whom our Savior meets with the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant," we must become like these. The little child was commended for his faith. What a child is told by His father he immediately believes and trusts. Simple faith is a dynamic faith. If we would only cling to the simplicity that is in Christ Jesus. Mary had only one priority: to sit at the feet of Jesus and learn of Him. A devotion to Christ and the Word He has given us is essential to pleasing Him. The widow simply gave all that she had; no fanfare, no attempt to be recognized by men, just sacrificial trust. Perhaps you and I should spend some time today reflecting on the people Jesus honored during His ministry on earth. Wouldn't it be wise to do the things that are on His "list"--the things that make up His criteria--for faithful servants? You can begin by having the faith of a child, a simple faith that trusts the Father in all things. You can begin by spending time at Jesus' feet every spare moment you can find so that you can learn of Him. You can begin by being willing to sacrifice all for Him--without trying to draw attention to yourself. Trust demands that you let go of everything and put it in His care.
There will not be a moment in eternity more significant than the moment when you stand in His presence. Put aside the world's criteria and meditate on His. Make that moment the ultimate moment of joy.

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