Wednesday, May 29, 2013


     We often emphasize that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship one has with God through Jesus Christ.  And, of course, it is.  But there are different kinds of relationships.  The nation of Israel never learned that truth.  They were God's people, chosen and loved by Him, but they only saw a Master not a Lover.  They struggled and complained under the "burden" their Master had laid on them in the Law.  They never understood that the relationship He wanted was not a Master-slave relationship but an intimate husband-wife relationship.  Yes, He wanted obedience, but in order to shower them with blessings.  They would disobey and then give "sacrifices" of love, but it is not love unless it is in the bounds of obedience.  They never saw their sin and rebellion in the right way.  To them it was a sin against the Law.  What it actually was, was a sin against, a betrayal of, love.  They sinned against His love for them.  He loved them so completely that He empowered them to do so.  He loved them so patiently that they became apathetic toward His desires.  He loved so honestly that He disciplined them--with the tears of a broken heart flowing from His divine eyes, the eyes focused only on them, the "apple of His eye."
     He has not changed.  Until I understand how much He loves me, how greatly He desires to be my Lover, how fully He wants to bless my loving faithfulness and obedience, I will see my sin as merely a commandment broken or ignored not a heart broken or ignored.  I will have a relationship with God my Master, but I will not have the intimate relationship He wants with me as my "Husband."  I will not leave all behind and cling only to Him.  My obedience will not come from a heart that can't stand the thought of betraying His faithful love, but from a heart that feels burdened by a need for obedience.  I will not fully sense the oneness of our relationship: I am His and He is mine.  May God's Spirit give us the vision to see our Savior as He is--the Lover of our souls.  Then, we will truly begin to know Him.

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