Sunday, May 26, 2013

Inseparable Commandments

There are lots of people in the world who claim to love God. They preach about it, they sing about it, they even write about it. But none of that is conclusive evidence of their love for God. I only love God as much as I love God's people. You can measure the depth of someone's love for God by how much they demonstrate their love for His kids. As John said, "how can you claim to love God whom you can't see, when you don't love His children whom you can see?"
The two great commandments are inseparable. As you love God with all your being, you must love your neighbor just as openly and deeply. As the Good Samaritan you must love regardless of the opinion the one in need of love has of you. You must love even if it means putting yourself at risk. To stop and help someone else in an area obviously frequented by violent thieves was not a wise choice in the eyes of the world. You must love even if you will never be thanked or rewarded for your act of love. Even if the one loved will never know that it was you who loved them. You must love with your stuff. If material things are needed to demonstrate your love, you must reach into your wallet and redeem with love the treasure that is in there.
Don't just tell people that you love God. Don't just sing it at the top of your lungs, even if you have the loveliest voice the world has ever heard. Don't just write about how much you love Him, even if you have a great gift of words. Show the world how much you love God by how much you lavish on His people. That alone is the evidence of how much you really do love Him.

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