Biblical Economics:
1. Work.
2. Give cheerfully as the Lord has prospered you. Whenever possible
give so that "your right hand doesn't know what your left hand is
3. Take care of your family which includes widows, widowers, single moms, orphans, your pastor and his family.
4. If those people do not have a family to take care of them, they become the responsibility of the church.
5. Strive
for the goal of equality in the church. Equality does not mean that
everyone has the same, but that everyone in the body of Christ has his
or her needs met. (Everyone who is working.) If you earn more than you
need, give to those who are working but not making enough to meet their
needs. Their needs are more important than your wants. Equality also
applies to churches.
Wealthier churches should be giving to poorer churches in need.
6. Give to the poor outside the church. The first church council
agreed that they had two goals: to preach the Gospel to everyone and to
give to the poor.
7. If your brother in Christ has a need, and you
have the resources to meet that need, don't pray for God to help them.
Open your wallet. Whose resources are they anyway? And do you think
it was a coincidence that He revealed that need to you?
8. You can't
meet spiritual needs with physical "stuff." But you can't meet
physical needs with spiritual "stuff." And Christ-like compassion
demands both. The only miracle mentioned in all four gospels is the
feeding of the five thousand. That's not an accident.
9. Be not deceived. God is not mocked. Whatever you sow, you will reap. That is a principle of giving.
10. Josephus an unbeliever said that one of the main reasons the
church spread so quickly throughout the Roman world was that it was
obvious to others how much Christians loved each other. What do you
suppose was one of the ways he knew that they loved each other?
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