Tuesday, May 21, 2013


All of us are in need of healing and grace is the healer. Grace doesn't take away the wound. Nor does it remove the scars. Grace provides the sufficient power to use the wound and the scars as instruments of compassion. If the wounds are the result of rebellion and disobedience, grace reminds of the unconditional love that makes us beloved of God even in our worst moments. In my most rebellious moments, grace is the impetus that causes my Savior to stand before the Father and say, "I paid for that sin. See the evidence, the scars that prove the debt is paid." If the wounds are the result of who we are in Christ, grace makes the weakness strength. And grace tells us that one day, the eternal day to come, the persecuted will become the conquerors and the persecutors the judged. "The earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord as the water covers the sea." And how much of the sea is covered by water? Our wounds are the filament by which the glory and grace of God shines in our lives for all to see today. Wounds of failure glorify the grace that is greater than all our sins and more abundant than all the sin the world can commit. Wounds of testing glorify the grace that enables the weakest saint at his or her weakest moment to be more than conquerors through Him who loves us. Our Savior will never hide His wounds. He is the Lamb who was slain throughout eternity. Our wounds identify us with Him. Knowing that, believing that, one is healed--now and for eternity.

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