find the incident of the centurion in Luke 7 both intriguing and
instructive. What intrigues me is: what caused the change in his
approach to Jesus? It began with some Jewish leaders coming to our Lord
and saying, "This guy has been good to the Jewish people, he deserves
your help. He's earned it." It changed to the centurion saying in
essence, "I'm not worthy of your help. But I ask for it
for my servant. Personally, I could never earn it." First, Jesus was
going to help either way. But the change in the centurion's faith
brought a commendation from our Savior: "I have not encountered such
faith before!." Perhaps that's the essence of deep faith--the
realization that what we are asking our God to do for us, we are
unworthy to receive. But He has urged us to come to Him in time of need
and so we come asking because of what we know Him to be: not just able
to help, but willing--eager to help. The God of grace and mercy. Too
often, I have the attitude that I deserve what I'm asking of Him. He
owes me. Too often, my prayers are just me complaining with my eyes
shut. "Lord, do this for me. I've earned it!" Shallow, prideful
faith. May the Spirit build within me a commendable faith: "Lord, I
come resting in your grace and mercy. Unworthy, but in need of the help
that only You can give, I come before Your throne because You have
urged me to come in time of need. I am helpless without Your
compassionate heart."
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