Not all of us are leaders. Nor should we, necessarily, want to be.
Effective Christian leaders are God-ordained. Lets look at two concepts
dealing with leadership.
The first concept refutes an old erroneous
one. The false idea is that a leader has to have someone following
him, and that if he doesn't, he's not a leader. Wrong. In fact, the
good leader can--and must--at times, stand
alone. He must be so sure of where's he's going and how to get there
that nothing or no one can get him to turn back. Look at Joshua, for
example. Joshua's greatest act of leadership didn't occur during one of
his many victorious battles but before the battles began. When Joshua,
with only Caleb by his side, stood up for His Lord with an entire
nation screaming at him that he was wrong, that was leadership. There
were no followers, and Joshua didn't need any. God's glory was more
important than anything else, even his own life and popularity. The
theme song of God's leaders has always been, "Though none go with me,
still I must follow."
And that brings us to the next concept. The
good leader is first and foremost a good follower. And he knows whose
footsteps to follow--his Lord and Savior's. The Christ-like leader
continually follows his Lord's directions and continually reflects His
Lord's character. Thus, the leader knows that he is the least important
member in the group--the ultimate servant, just like His Lord. At the
same time, he recognizes that God holds him to the greatest
accountability as to the direction of the group. He also knows where he
is going even if he's never been there before. And he knows that His
Lord goes before him to prepare the way. If a man hasn't learned how to
follow and Whom to follow, he can never lead the way effectively.
Being a Christian leader is not easy. A person must first be a
follower, and he must also be ready to look behind him, see that no one
is following him, and never miss a stride. His Lord's "well-done" will
be worth the trip.
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