church has lost its bearings when it comes to morality. How? We have
somehow come to the conclusion that we are called to define morality.
We're not. God already did that. We call it the Bible. What the
church is called to do is defend and live what God has already
established. Yet, we have become just as relativistic as the culture in
which we live. We are always debating if that's what
God meant, or if some factor such as culture hasn't changed what God
meant to what we want Him to mean. The teaching of God's Word is not
being undermined and "watered down" by the world but by the church. We
are the spokesmen of doubt, denial, and deception. In the name of
scholarship we read the Bible to find out what it means instead of what
it says. The church is not an active agent for righteousness in the
world because we promote the world's values and because we do most
things the same way the world does them. The church is big business.
The church is entertainment. The church is adjusting to the culture.
And the rottenness of the culture in which we live is accelerating at a
greater rate than it ever has before. The light is hidden and the salt
has lost its savor. It is no longer "Thus says the Lord." Instead we
have come up with our own morality, our own way to worship, our own
agenda for reaching the world. It's time we got back to teaching what
God says and letting the people in our churches and the culture in which
we live measure their morality by God's standards and not man's. Man's
wisdom cannot change lives. Man's charisma cannot change lives. Man's
eloquence cannot change lives. Man's reason cannot change lives. The
agent for change in the lives of people is the Spirit of God. And the
sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. "Thus says the Lord" has never
been popular. But to wield any other weapon in an attempt to bring
people to Christ is foolishness--ungodly, devoid of the fear of the
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